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Travel & Tourism

Subject Overview

The travel and tourism sector is the UK’s third largest employer, accounting for 9.5 per cent of total employment. Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK in employment terms, employing nearly 3 million people. The BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 suite is an introduction to vocational learning. The qualifications give learners the opportunity to build applied knowledge and skills that show an aptitude for further learning, both in the sector and more widely. Travel and tourism is aimed at students who want to acquire applied knowledge and skills through vocational contexts by exploring the different industries and providers of the Travel and tourism sector as well as the appeal of different destinations and potential career opportunities. Students will also explore different visitor types and their needs to gain an understanding of how to increase destination appeal. They will also learn other influences on global travel and tourism linking into geographical knowledge.

The curriculum is delivered through a blend of engaging resources and teaching materials intended to focus learners on key content and provide a variety of stimuli which enhances learning and independent research on a variety of topics within the Travel and Tourism sector. This should provide students with the knowledge required for the course, but also enable them to apply their knowledge to vocational contexts. Students will study three components:  

Component 1: Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations 

Component 2: Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism  

Component 3: Influences on Global Travel and Tourism  

Assessment Information KS4

Students will complete at least one formative assessment per half-term to prepare them for the following assessments: 


Description of assessment 

When does the assessment take place? 

Component 1: 

Travel and Tourism 

Organisations and Destinations 

60 Marks 

Non-exam internal assessment set by Pearson.  

6 hours to complete an assignment. 

Year 10 September – February: Explore content. 

Y10 February: Complete Pearson Set Assignment 

Component 2: 

Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism 

60 Marks 

Non-exam internal assessment set by Pearson.  

4 hours to complete assignment. 

Year 10 April: – September: Explore content 

Y11 October: Complete Pearson Set Assignment 

Component 3: 

Influences on Global Travel and Tourism 

External assessment is set and marked by Pearson. 

The assessment will be 2 hours - 60 marks. 

Y11 January: May: Explore content 

Y11 May/June: Complete exam 


Intent Statement

Learning Journeys


Studying Travel and Tourism was like walking through a gateway to the world