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Parents and Carers


Welcome to Tibshelf Community School

May I offer a warm welcome to Tibshelf Community School. We are very much looking forward to meeting you and your child to start the transition programme to our fantastic school ready for September.

Any queries about transition can be sent through to:

In this dedicated transition area of our website, you will be able to find links to our brand new virtual tour of the school, where you can explore at your own pace and meet the staff as you go along. Parent / student booklets which contain all the relevant information you will require for the next academic year, and school uniform information.

We appreciate that transition to secondary school can be a worrying but an exciting time for your child.  Therefore, we have put together a programme of transition activities for your child to enjoy that will prepare them for starting life at Tibshelf Community School in September.

There will be further communication with you closer to the transition week to confirm the starting arrangements for your child. I hope you and your child find the ‘transition events’ useful and informative and begin to feel part of Tibshelf Community school right away.

Transition Letter

Yours faithfully,

Mr M Stanhope


Assistant Headteacher (Transition)

View our Key Documents
Documents to read and accept on the admission form


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