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Design & Technology

Subject Overview

Our aim is to guide our students in making informed decisions about Design Technology related concepts and issues.  We endeavour to broaden the minds of our pupils with challenging and enjoyable lessons and projects, which give pupils the chance to create realistic, personalised products.

We provide students with an opportunity to design and make from a wide range of starting points. Design encourages students to explore, experiment and express themselves through engaging projects, using a variety of materials and techniques. They solve problems, test their solutions, and develop their drawing and practical skills.

As students move from KS3 to KS4 they continue to develop their practical skills alongside their understanding of the wider concepts of Design Technology; sustainability, new and emerging technologies, and the impact on society these developments have.  Design technology encourages creativity and problem solving. It teaches how to take risks, be[1]come more resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable. All skills that are invaluable and desirable in the world of work.

Assessment Information - KS3

Students complete self and peer assessments on a regular basis throughout Design Technology projects, which also includes teacher feedback. The project as a whole is summative assessed at the end of each individual project and a target predicted grade is generated.

Assessment Information - KS4

Students in Design Technology complete self and peer assessments on a regular basis throughout the two internally assessed projects, which also includes teacher feedback with a summative assessment at the end where a predicted target grade is generated.

Learning Journeys


“Design and Technology combines creativity and practical skills. You have to be innovative to turn ideas into products and solve problems along the way. DT helps me prepare for a future where technology can shape our everyday lives” – Student voice in Design and Technology