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Literacy and Numeracy

Subject Overview

At Tibshelf, we are committed to improving standards in literacy and numeracy for all of our pupils. Disciplinary literacy is prioritised across the school, as we develop our pupils' ability to read complex academic texts, break down complex writing tasks and provide opportunities for structured talk and oracy in our lessons. Pupils' ability to use numeracy skills effectively in all areas of the curriculum is key, as we remain committed to develop the skills necessary to cope confidently with the demands of fui1her education, employment and adult life. Strategies are used daily in lessons to promote literacy and numeracy, by modelling answers, providing sentence starters and teaching pupils how to think, speak and write like a mathematician or a historian, for example.

High quality literacy interventions, including bespoke vocabulary acquisition programmes and inference training feature prominently to support all pupils to access the curriculum at Tibshelf. We are also very fortunate to have a well-equipped library with an extensive range of books, including over 5,000 titles on our on-line digital library. Alongside this, TT Rockstars provides a fun platform for developing the Numeracy skills of our pupils.

Pupils speak positively about Literacy and Numeracy at Tibshelf:-

"Key words are displayed in the classrooms and we find this useful".

"We are given vocabulary booklets to help us".

"I love reading on MyOn!".

"We are given writing mats and model paragraphs to support us".

"The literacy and numeracy competitions in tutor time are good fun".

"TT Rockstars is brillant!".

Assessment Information - KS3  

We run exciting reading challenges for all our KS3 pupils through Accelerated Reader, where pupils review the books they have read through quizzing. STAR tests take place at calendared intervals throughout the year to assess pupils' reading ages.

Assessment Information - KS4

Assessment at KS4 is through the Y10/11 curriculum.