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Subject Overview

Geography is one of the most exciting, adventurous, and valuable subjects to study today and is recognised as an important and essential part of the curriculum. At Tibshelf, students have the chance to get to grips with some of the big questions facing the next generation of geographers. The Curriculum has been designed to reflect the dynamic world in which we live and hopes to spark an interest in a range of current and often controversial issues.

Students will develop critical thinking skills, confidence in the use of academic language, analytical competency, and the ability to form and communicate their opinions through decision-making exercises. Fieldwork and working beyond the classroom is a really important part of geography and is integrated within the curriculum. The sl‹ills, knowledge and understanding gained, makes students highly desirable by employers and further education establishments who recognise the subject for its academic ‘robustness’. The GCSE course of study is OCR specification B.

Assessment Information - KS3

All KS3 assessments focus on the application of geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and approaches to real world contexts, including fieldwork, and to contemporary situations and issues. They aim to test the level at which students can develop well-evidenced arguments drawing on their geographical knowledge and understanding. There is an assessment following the completion of each topic which is teacher assessed and opportunities for self- and peer-assessment throughout.

Assessment Information - KS4 

Assessments at KS4 aim to be regular, timely and appropriate to enable students to make further progress in their learning. Students will complete topic assessments and fortnightly homework focusing on GCSE case studies, skills, and the application of geographical knowledge. All exam practice questions will be teacher, self- or peer-assessed against exam board mark schemes. Opportunities for students to respond and engage with feedback are planned and embedded within lessons to enhance progress and prepare students for their exams.

Learning Journeys


"I enjoy my Geography lessons because of the support staff provide and the range of activities we do which help me to learn.”