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School Uniform

Order forms for school uniform can be downloaded from our online supplier Sportswear International using the link

School Uniform

Uniform Expectations    

Tibshelf Community School students must maintain an exceptional standard of uniform at all times, from leaving their home in the morning, until they return home. Whenever students are wearing the school uniform, they are representing the school and the local community. If any item of uniform is damaged and there is a delay in replacing it, the school will aim to provide a temporary replacement to support families and ensure that our standards are maintained. Students are expected to comply with such a request and any refusal to do so will result in behaviour sanctions being put in place for defiance. Any uniform that is provided will be of a high quality, will be clean and fit appropriately.   

If you are unsure whether or not certain items of uniform meet our uniform requirements, please check with the school before you purchase them.       

There are certain items of our uniform that can only be bought from specific providers. These items include: School tie, blazer with badge and our School PE Kit. These items are available to be purchased from our external provider:    

Sportswear International: purchases can be made from their webpage      

We have made every effort to ensure that our uniform is affordable and of good quality. Should you come into hardship the funding below may be able to help you during an emergency or crisis situation and to support you to continue to live independently or cope with exceptional pressure when you have no other source of funding  

Derbyshire Discretionary Fund (DDF)  

Please use this link for further information.


Students must wear shoes that are completely black, look professional and not have any logos or tags. The sole of the shoe must be dark. We understand that some retailers advertise trainers as school shoes, therefore should you be in any doubt please check with the school before they are purchased.  

Shoes must be formal, not black trainers, boots, converse, pumps, sandshoes or sandals.  Footwear with trainer-like soles, canvas, or rubber shoes are also not allowed.    

Velcro fastening shoes, must still have the look of a formal shoe and not a trainer.  Recommended shoes are shown below.



Students must wear blazers at all times when they are inside the school building. Students may remove their blazers when in a lesson, with teacher permission, but they must be put back on before leaving the classroom. Hoodies, sports clothing and tracksuit tops are not allowed to be worn with the school uniform. Students who wish to wear an additional layer over their blazer should bring a suitable outdoor coat.       

Skirts and Tights   

If your child chooses to wear a skirt, it must be black and straight or pleated. When worn the skirt must be knee length, with the bottom of the skirt in line with the top of the student’s patella (kneecap). Should tights be worn they must be black and professional looking. Leggings are not permitted.  





In all years trousers must be formal, plain black and tailored with no pattern or zips. All pockets must go into the trousers and not be visible from the outside.     


The following trousers are not acceptable in any year group:    

  • Combat trousers   

  • Trousers with patch/studded pockets     

  • Leggings    

  • Jeans or chinos    

  • Any other inappropriate fashion trousers.


If a belt is worn, it must be plain black with no patterns or indentations. The belt must be made from leather or a similar leather look material. The buckle must be basic, look professional and display no logo.   


Shirts must be completely white with a collar. Logos on shirts are unacceptable. The top button must be present and fastened at all times. Shirts must be tucked into trousers/skirts. Sleeves on shirts and blazers must always be rolled down whilst walking around the school. Any item of clothing worn underneath the shirt must not be visible through the shirt.       

Jumpers (Optional)    

In all years students may wear a plain black V-neck jumper beneath their blazer, we do not require this to have the school logo on.  


Shorts can be worn in the summer term only. Shorts should be tailored, knee length and black. Sports shorts, lycra or denim shorts are not permitted   


Students must wear a school clip on tie at all times. This must be clipped onto the top button of the student’s shirt, which must be fastened.      

Outdoor Coats    

Outdoor coats of any type must not be worn instead of or underneath the school blazer anywhere on the school site. Coats or Jackets of any type must not be worn inside classrooms. Please note hoodies, leather or denim outdoor coats/jackets are not acceptable.   


The school expects all students to bring a bag to the school every day. We recommend a school bag that is able to hold an outdoor coat, student planner, A4 exercise books/folders, writing equipment and PE kit in it.       

General Appearance Expectations 


Hair needs to be smart and professional. Extreme haircuts and colours are not permitted (only natural looking colours are allowed). Extreme hair styles and/or shaved lines/patterns, are also not permitted for any student. Pupils will be asked to rectify these issues as soon as possible and parents will be contacted.   


For health and safety reasons, nails should be no deeper than 3mm (the depth of a one-pound coin).  

Head Scarves  

A plain black head scarf may be worn for religious observance or medical conditions.       


Make-up must be light and natural looking, which would be suitable in a professional environment. Students may be asked to remove make up if it doesn’t fit this standard. The school will make a judgement as to what’s suitable and consult parents with the decision.   


The following are acceptable:    

  • One pair of earrings and a wristwatch are allowed.   

The following are not permitted:    

  • Facial piercings (clear spacers or retainers are not allowed at any time)    

  • Other jewellery – (including rings, bracelets, bangles)    

  • Sleepers, stretchers, spike earrings or hoops     

PE Kit Expectations

Standard Kit
  • Aptus Training Top
  • Aptus 1/4 Zip Top
  • Black Shorts
  • Aptus Leggings
  • Aptus Training Pants
  • Trainers

(All available to buy directly online from Sportswear International -

Excused from PE:
  • A signed note from Parents/Carers is essential.
  • Long term non participation - a medical note will be required.


Cold Weather:
  • Hats
  • Gloves
  • Layers/Skins UNDER PE top
  • Hoodies are not allowed.


You Must:
  • Remove all jewellery
  • Remove all piercings
  • Tie up long hair


Having the correct kit is crucial for students to access the PE curriculum in order to progress and fulfil their potential in PE. Students need to be organised and ensure they consistently bring the correct PE kit to lessons. The PE Department operate a 'consequence system' for students who fail to bring kit altogether OR if they forget enough of it to access the lesson. 

Parent Pay Shop

Certain items of school equipment are available to buy on our Parent Pay Shop. Clicking on the link below will take you directly to the shop where you can buy the items available for sale and pay for them online. You do not need a login to use this particular facility.

Parent Pay - Shop for Tibshelf Community School