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Student Development

School Council

The School has a flourishing School Council that consists of representatives from all year groups. The Council meets regularly with senior leaders and key staff to discuss ways to improve school life further. This develops leadership skills and opportunities for self-expression and public speaking.

Head Prefect / Deputy Prefect / Prefects

At Tibshelf Community School, we appoint a Head Prefect, two Deputy Prefects and a number of prefects at the start of every school year. These pupils have either been elected or appointed by members of staff. They are trusted, loyal members of our school.  All appointed prefects are from our Year 11 cohort. This is an important role as they assist Mrs Wainwright and her staff with a variety of tasks and set an example to younger pupils and their peers. This extra responsibility nurtures their leadership skills and helps with their transition into adulthood.

Student Voice

Student Voice aims to enhance the quality of life at Tibshelf Community School from a student perspective. Students are given the chance to make a difference through being able to voice opinions, ideas and interests. Our vision is to provide an inclusive student voice that provides the opportunity for anyone to get involved and help students develop key skills such as confidence, cooperation, communication and decision making. We want students to be part of a community where their voice is heard, and Student Voice provides the perfect platform for this to happen.