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Student Wellbeing

Welcome to our Mental Health and Wellbeing page

If you’re experiencing concerns about a young person’s mental or emotional health, the following team are trained and experienced in supporting young people within this area, and you’re welcome to contact any one of us at school or our CAMHS Community Advisor on the number below:

  • Mr Richard Penford | Designated Safeguarding
  • Mrs Laura Tipping – Senior Mental Health Lead
  • Mrs Joy Riley – Safeguarding and Welfare Team Manager
  • Emma Dunn, Safeguarding & Welfare Manager 
  • Hollie Stanhope | Safeguarding and Welfare Manager
  • Eunice Sinfield, Safeguarding & Family Support Manager 
  • Jo Marshall, Safeguarding & Medical Welfare Officer 


At school, we have a dedicated team of people who are here to offer advice and support to our students should they have concerns around their own (or a loved ones) emotional or mental health.

Being a parent/carer to teenagers can be a challenging experience at times. Teenagers are experiencing huge changes in their brain development as well as changes in their bodies which can lead to them often presenting as moody and irritable – here’s the Science – teenagers experience lower Dopamine levels (Dopamine is a chemical in the brain which controls the reward and pleasure centres) meaning they may have a low mood but then experience mood swings which can shift from very high to very low quite quickly. They find being with their peers really rewarding and this can often mean they are less enthusiastic about spending time with their family.

Parents can often feel confused as to what to do to support young people most effectively, so we hope some of the information on this page may help.

  • 1 in 10 young people experience a ‘diagnosable’ mental health condition.
  • That’s 3 in every average classroom.

Please find useful links for support below in the relevant toggle below:


At school, we have a dedicated team of people who are here to offer advice and support if you, or someone you care about, may need it.

15% of teenagers experience difficulties with their mental health and at Tibshelf we want you to feel you can talk about this without being stigmatised.

1 in 10 young people experience a ‘diagnosable’ mental health condition.

That’s 3 in every average classroom.

Please find useful links for support below:

Mental Health and Welfare Support Links

Exam Stress Management
General Wellbeing Support
Low Mood/Depression
Self Harm